Sunday, December 25, 2011

In Prizing Going with the Flow, Are You a Self-Commitment Flake?

My last 3 holiday weekends this year have been planned and re-planned, adjusted and modified.  Today I realized just how much I have flaked out on manifesting my preferred holiday observances because of this process.

And these haven't even been big plans like taking a holiday trip, attending a gathering of relatives, or making a contribution of time and effort as a volunteer to some local worthy cause.  Nope, I've simply envisioned seeing a Christmas day movie, or having certain foods on the Thanksgiving table, and so on.

Things have just come up, I've given in, and the days have gone by pretty much like every other day.  I mean, hey, I'm here blogging and checking Facebook and email, and forums, just like any other day.

Now really, I don't care that much about holidays. Clearly I'm quite willing to go with the flow.

But my realization points to just how much I tend to overdo going with the flow in other parts of my life.  And while that used to be considered a good thing, I see today that it's truly an act of flaking out on commitments to myself.

So I'm deciding to make it a New Year's resolution to at least be more mindful of how I'm not keeping commitments to myself -- even on the small stuff -- because flaking out is a bad habit, and as a business owner,  or even as generally happy soul, not keeping commitments to myself is a road to ruin.

And I'm determined to be more diligent with my self-accountability in 2012.  I'll let you know how it goes.

How about you?  What are you flowing with that is taking you places that you don't want to be?  What have you envisioned for yourself that you keep postponing, or giving up entirely, and what's the price for that in happiness or success or peace of mind?

What will you re-commit yourself to in the New Year?

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